LEAD Program: Pioneering Change and Empowering Somali Youth

The LEAD program has been nothing short of a revolution for the Somali youth employment ecosystem in the region. As one of the instrumental partners in this transformative journey, Shaqodoon has witnessed the profound and long-lasting impact of this initiative. The program not only empowered young people but also enriched their skill set, enabling them to take charge of their futures. LEAD II fostered entrepreneurial zeal, igniting a spark of innovation and creativity among the youth, leading to a reshaped economic landscape in the region.


A Visionary Journey:

LEAD had a clear vision - to promote sustainable youth employment, instill entrepreneurship education at all academic levels, and spark the entrepreneurial spirit through global events. This vision served as the basis for a program that was specifically designed to cultivate skills and an entrepreneurial mindset among the dynamic youth of the region.

Picture this: Over 500 aspiring minds thrived in the Bits Digital Design Academy, while more than 300 embraced innovation through The Next Economy program. These platforms weren't just about numbers; they epitomized a journey of skill enhancement, emphasizing practical, market-aligned skills and adaptability in a swiftly evolving digital landscape.

The program made a significant stride by introducing Enterprise-based Training - a trailblazing initiative that aimed to teach essential skills such as the art of pastry making and barista training. The trainings were a massive success and equipped young individuals with highly sought-after skills that were in high demand in the market, empowering them to seek employment opportunities, further bridging the gap between the demand for skilled labor and the supply of skilled labor.

However, the LEAD program didn't just stop at figures. It birthed an era of possibilities. Enter the product fairs – ingenious platforms birthed by LEAD – where ambitious entrepreneurs showcased their creations. These events weren't mere exhibitions; they were the breeding ground for partnerships, funding avenues, and crucial government backing that propelled nascent businesses forward.

Shaqodoon's testament to LEAD’s legacy isn't just words; it's a tangible metamorphosis. The program instilled invaluable lessons in employability, crafting curricula that resonate with the dynamic job market. And who could forget about crowdfunding? It wasn't just an idea; it was a pathway to self-reliance and financial empowerment for enterprising youth.

Seven remarkable years later, Shaqodoon pledges an unwavering commitment to preserving these revolutionary concepts, ensuring a legacy that continues to blaze a trail of opportunity and empowerment for Somali youth.


Empowering Dreams: Abdinoor and Muna’s and Journey at HargaBits 


Work in Progress: A Seven-Year Success Story at HargaBits